You found a website with a bunch of notes from my time studying Physics at Heidelberg University from 2019 to 2024. These notes are here to help you study for your exams, but please keep in mind they do not cover anything and potentially (well, actually very surely) have mistakes.

How to find notes

You can search through notes in the upper right corner, or just hit CTRL + K on your keyboard.


These notes are hosted on a public GitHub repository. If you find errors or want to extend the notes, is is highly appreciated that you open a GitHub Issue or even better, a pull request! The idea is that each time you encounter something that makes you think: What the hell is going on?! , you add the information to the note that helped you understand the issue. So we can extend and make these notes better for everyone!

If you need more information, please write me an email :)

Cheers, Ufuk
